To Order:
Open a window[compose] in your e-mail.
Copy the full description box [example: [[Pentacle in Gold. Cast Iron Cauldron with Lid – 4.5″H, 2.75″D, $22.97ea. OMCAL20]] of the product you want. Copy and paste all the products to your e-mail. Send to: [].
We will then send you an invoice with the total price. You can pay the invoice online, or give us a call.. We use Square.
Crystals n’ Gems n’ Rocks ~Natural, Points n’ Raw.
Crystals n’ Gems n’ Rocks ~Palm Size. Polished and raw.
Crystals n’ Gems n’ Rocks ~Small~ 3/4″ -1″. Polished
Crystals n’ Gems n’ Rocks ~Med~ 1″-2″. Polished
Crystals n’ Gems n’ Rocks ~Words of Power. 1″ +. Polished
Crystals n’ Gems n’ Rocks ~Jewelry
Wooden Stands Holds ball and square-type gem balls, crystal balls, etc… |